Do I think national media is obstructive? Yes, absolutely. When the president does it though it just seems a little hypocritical if I'm being honest because the role of the president is to provide a medium for shifting stories, and outright lying to the general public. When Trump started giving information about the ongoing conflict in Syria and how our military is to proceed the information given by Trump was very reminiscent of the information the Bush administration gave in 1991 (and again in 2003) to justify military action Iraq. This time the narrative was centered in Syria, however.
Again, the role of the president is to do disserviceable things that are hidden from the general public. Trump likes to wear his misdeeds on his sleeves and his followers covet this ability he has to nonchalantly act on his impulses. He even stated that he could 'shoot someone and not lose any followers.' He's fabricated this personality cult around himself and his loyal followers don't seem to have any issue with admitting that they admire him.
For the final question I have issues discerning whether it's a strength or a weakness. I think Trump is just as bad as any other lying, degenerate that's held the position of President. The things he says proves that he isn't above making comments that the previous presidents would rather keep in the shadows because he seems to have little fear of any ramifications regarding his erroneous comments. I wouldn't say he's telling it how it is because perspectives vary, but he's certainly telling it how I'd imagine an overconfident billionaire with no consideration for the people he views to be beneath would see the world.
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