Thursday, July 12, 2018

Week 3 Questions

Topic 1:

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For the organization I've chosen it's NATO, which was a treaty established by the western powers to keep order within their countries, but also to impose on their enemies. Social media is used to showcase the readiness of their military units. This is seen by the posts they make, and the live feeds they stream over social media. They show off troops, training, equipment, and vehicles of the varying NATO countries and even show videos of them training together to show collaboration and how well they can work together.

The target audience isn't just NATO allies, but also those that would seek to challenge NATO in any capacity. During the 2014 crisis in Ukraine NATO escalated the process of sending these videos out, and there were multiple videos released daily showing the effectiveness of their units and even making dramatizations to show what a US campaign against Russia could possibly look like.

I think one thing I'd change in the marketing campaign was to make the videos less directed at an enemy. NATO loves to point the finger at any country they disagree with and make them their guinea pig. To me this shows the type of aggressive antics that NATO is inexplicably known for by quite a few countries.

Topic 2:

I don't watch television but on YouTube I've seen constant advertising of YouTube Red which is YouTube that is subscription based and is supposed to be about special content that is only released on Red. What stood out is that it didn't really change YouTube. Everything I wanted to watch was still made available but what it did was make 'special' videos available and they never really describe just what these videos are so it was a real sloppy advertising campaign if you ask me.

I believe the target audience to be young adults. Most young adults are at the center of most online marketing campaigns and YouTube is a clear area where young people often use their own voice to spread their own message.

It's bandwagon effect. They're trying to build their following for Red by trying to indicate that they have some kind of following, which I'm not convinced they do.

I think this campaign has failed. Everyone I know uses YouTube in some capacity but YouTube doesn't work like Netflix or Amazon Prime. YouTube began as a free use model and so people are so accustomed to that. Now they're trying to adopt the pay-to-use model but in a limited way. Every person I talk to has stated that they don't like Red, nor do they use it in any way so I think it's a pretty unpopular thing.

1 comment:

  1. Brian
    Very interesting, I didn't know that NATO posted these types of videos. After thinking about it it does make sense tho, they're into propaganda just like other countries. I've seen the YouTube Red advertisement but had no idea what it was about. Thank you, your blog was very informative and brought to light some issues.
